Journal publications

The PDF of these publications are available on request. Many of them can be found in my ResearchGate page (see the Bibliometry menu).

Publications linked with my PhD student’s or post-doc researcher works, with my PhD student or post-doc researcher as first author, are in this color.

146. Ma, Y., W. Cheng, S. Huang, F.G. Schmitt, X. Lin, Y. Huang, Hidden turbulence in van Gogh’s The starry nightPhysics of Fluids, in press, 2024.

145. Maire, Y., F.G. Schmitt, K. Kormas, S. Vasileiadis, A. Caruana, D.-I. Skouroliakou, V. Bampouris, L. Courcot, F. Hervé, M. Courvoisier, U. Christaki, Effects of turbulence on diatoms of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia spp. And associated bacteria, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 100, fiae094, 2024.

144. Zhang D., J. Song, Y. Gao, Y. Peng, J. Hu, F.G. Schmitt, Y. Huang. Scale-to-scale energy flux in the oceanic global circulation models, Frontiers in Marine Sciences, 11, 1307751, 2024.

143. Louchart, A., F. Lizon, E. Debusschere, J. Mortelmans, M. Rijkeboer, M. Crouvoisier, E. Lebourg, K. Deneudt, F.G.Schmitt, L. F. Artigas. The importance of niches in defining phytoplankton functional beta diversity during a spring bloom, Marine Biology, 171, 26, 2024.

142. Schmitt, F.G., Scaling analysis of time-reversal asymmetries in fully developed turbulence, Fractal and Fractional, 7(8), 630, 2023.

141. Schmitt, F.G., J.-M. Brylinski, Pioneers of plankton research: Eugène Canu (1864-1952), Journal of Plankton Researc45(4), 571-575. press

140. Houliez, E., F.G. Schmitt, E. Breton, D.-I. Skouroliakou, U. Christaki, On the conditions promoting Pseudo-nitzschia spp. blooms in the eastern English Channel and southern North Sea, Harmful Algae, 125, 102424, 2023

139. Gao, Y., F.G. Schmitt, J. Hu, Y. Huang, Probability based wind-wave relation, Frontiers in Marine Sciences 9, 1085340, 2023.  

138. Héquette, A., M.-H. Ruz, O. Cohen, F. G. Schmitt, Cartographie prospective d’évolution du trait de côte et des risques de submersion dans le contexte du changement climatique : une méthode appliquée au littoral du nord de la France, VertigO, 22(3), 237-259, 2022.

137. Wu, W., L. Wang, E. Calzavarini, F.G. Schmitt, Reactive scalars in incompressible turbulence with strongly out of equilibrium chemistry, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 938, A19, 2022.

136. Le Quiniou, C., Schmitt, F.G., E. Calzavarini, S. Souissi, Y. Huang, Copepod swimming activity and turbulence intensity: study in the Agiturb turbulence generator system, European Physical Journal Plus, 137, 250, 2022.

135. Kléparski L., G. Beaugrand, M. Edwards, F.G. Schmitt, R.R. Kirby, E. Breton, F. Gevaert, E. Maniez, Morphological traits, niche-environment interaction and annual diatom succession, Progress in Oceanography 201, 102747, 2022.

134. Schmitt, F.G., An algorithm for the direct estimation of the parameters of the SIR epidemic model from the I(t) dynamics, and application to the French COVID-19 case, European Physical Journal Plus, 137, 57, 2022.

133. Wu, W., F.G. Schmitt, E. Calzavarini, L. Wang, A quadratic Reynolds stress development for the turbulent Kolmogorov flow, Physics of Fluids, 33, 125129, 2021.

132. Pelacani, S., F.G. Schmitt, Scaling properties of the turbidity and streamflow time series at two different locatinos of an intra-Apennine stream: case study, Journal of Hydrology, 603(B), 126943, 2021.

131. Héquette, A., A. Cartier, F.G. Schmitt, The effects of tidal translation on wave and current dynamics on a barred macrotidal beach, Northern France, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9, 909, 2021.

130. Gao Y., F.G. Schmitt, J. Hu, Y. Huang, Scaling analysis of the China France Oceanography satellite along-track wind and wave data, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC017119, 2021.

129. Yahia H., N. Schneider, S. Bontemps, L. Bonne, G. Attuel, S. Dib, V. Ossenkopf, A. Turiel, A. Zebadua, D. Elia, S. K. Maji, F.G. Schmitt, J.-F Robitaille, Description of turbulent dynamics in the interstellar medium: multifractal/microcanonical analysis I. Application to Herschel observations of the Musca filamentAstronomy & Astrophysics 649, A33, 2021.

128. Roy, S., A. Sentchev, F. G. Schmitt, P. Augustin, M. Fourmentin, Impact of nocturnal Low-Level Jet and orographic waves on the turbulent motions and energy fluxes in the lower atmospheric boundary layerBoundary-Layer Meteorology 180, 527-542, 2021.

127. Derot, J., H. Yajima, F.G. Schmitt, The beneficial impacts of machine learning and sampling frequency on phytoplankton bloom forecast in coastal areaEcological Informatics, 60, 101174, 2020.

126. Wu, W., E. Calzavarini, F.G. Schmitt, L. Wang, Fluctuations and correlations of reactive scalars near chemical equilibrium in incompressible turbulence, Physical Review Fluids 5, 084608, 2020.

125. Ruz, M.-H., C. Rufin-Soler, A. Héquette, R. Révillon, A.-P. Hellequin, P. Deboudt, V. Herbert, O. Cohen, F. Lebreton, L. Le Goff, F. G. Schmitt, D. Marin, Climate change and risk perceptions in two French coatal communities, Journal of Coastal Research, Special issue 95, 875-879, 2020.

124. Augustin, P., S. Billet, S. Crumeyrolle, K. Deboudt, E. Dieudonné, P. Flament, M. Fourmentin, S. Guilbaud, B. Hanoune, Y. Landkocz, C. Méausoone, S. Roy, F. G. Schmitt, A. Sentchev, A. Sokolov,Impact of sea breeze dynamics on atmospheric pollutants and their toxicity in industrial and urban coastal environments, Remote Sensing, 12(4), 648, 2020.

123. Louchart A., F. Lizon, A. Lefebvre, M. Didry, F.G. Schmitt, L.F. Artigas, Phytoplankton distribution from Western to Central English Channel, revealed by automated flow cytometry during the summer-fall transition, Continental Shelf Research, 195, 104056, 2020.

122. Sentchev A., M. Thiebaut, F.G. Schmitt,Impact of turbulence on power production by a free-stream tidal turbine in real sea conditions, Renewable Energy, 147, 1932-1940, 2020.

121. Calzavarini E., Y. Huang, F.G. Schmitt, L. Wang, Propelled microprobes in turbulence, Physical Review Fluids 3, 054604, 2018.

120. Schmitt F.G., A. Crapoulet, A. Héquette, Y. Huang, Nonlinear dynamics of the sea level time series in the Eastern English Channel, Natural Hazards 91, 267-285, 2018.

119. Ardeshiri H., F. G. Schmitt, S. Souissi, F. Toschi, E. Calzavarini, Copepods encounter rates from a model of escape jump behaviour in turbulence, Journal of Plankton Research 39, 878-890, 2017.

118. Houliez E., S. Lefebvre, F. Lizon, F.G. Schmitt, Rapid Light Curves (RLC) or Non Sequential Steady State Light Curves (N-SSLC): Which fluorescence-based light response curve methodology robustly characterizes phytoplankton photosynthetic activity and acclimation status?, Marine Biology, 164, 175, 2017.

117. Schmitt F. G., Turbulence from 1870 to 1920 : the birth of a concept, Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 345, 620-626, 2017.

116. Huang Y., L. Wang, F.G. Schmitt, Extremal-point density of scaling processes: from fractional Brownian motion to turbulence in one dimension, Physical Review E, 96, 012215, 2017.

115. Duran Medina O., F.G. Schmitt, R. Calif, G. Germain, B. Gaurier, Turbulence analysis and multiscale correlations between synchronized flow velocity and marine turbine power production, Renewable Energy, 112, 314-327, 2017.

114. Wei W., H.S. Zhang, F.G. Schmitt, Y. X. Huang, X. H. Cai, Y. Song, X. Huang, H. Zhang, Investigation of turbulence behavior in the stable boundary layer using arbitrary-order Hilbert spectra, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 163, 311-326, 2017.

113. Calif, R., F.G. Schmitt, Y. Huang, Study of local correlations of the simultaneous wind speed-irradiance measurements using the time dependent intrinsic correlation method, Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 5(4), 373-390, 2016.

112. Mahjoub, M.S., Dur, G., Souissi, S., Schmitt, F.G., Hwang, J.S., Multifractal anisotropic swimming: the optimal foraging behavior of grouper larvae, Journal of Fish Biology 88(5), 1834-1846, 2016.

111. Derot J., Schmitt F.G., Gentilhomme V. Morin P., Correlation between long-term marine temperature time series from the eastern and western English Channel: scaling analysis using empirical mode decomposition, Comptes Rendus Géosciences 348(5), 343-349, 2016.

110. Ardeshiri H., I. Benkeddad, F.G. Schmitt, S. Souissi, F. Toschi, E. Calzavarini, Lagrangian model of copepod dynamics: clustering by escape jumps in turbulence, Physical Review E 93(4), 043117, 2016.

109. Wei, W., F.G. Schmitt, Y.X. Huang, H.S. Zhang, The analyses of turbulence characteristics in the atmospheric surface layer using arbitrary-order Hilbert spectra, Boundary-Layer Meteorology 159(2), 391-406, 2016.

108. Calif, R. and F.G. Schmitt, Taylor law in wind energy data, Resources 4, 787-795, 2015.

107. Renosh, P.R., Schmitt F.G., Loisel H., Intermittent particle dynamics in marine coastal waters, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 22, 633-643, 2015.

106. Michalec F.G., Schmitt F.G., Souissi S., Holzner M., Characterization of intermittency in zooplankton behaviour in turbulence, European Physical Journal E 38, 108, 2015.

105. Derot, J., Schmitt F. G., Gentilhomme V. Zongo-Brizard S., Long-term high frequency phytoplankton dyanmics, recorded from a coastal water autonomous measurement system in the eastern English Channel, Continental Shelf Research, 109, 210-221, 2015.

104. Duran Medina, O., Schmitt F.G., Calif R., Multiscale analysis of wind velocity, power output and toration of a windmill, Energy Procedia, 76, 193-199, 2015.

103. Renosh, P.R., Schmitt F.G., Loisel H., Scaling analysis of ocean surface turbulent heterogeneities from satellite remote sensing: use of 2D structure functions, PLoS ONE 10(5), e0126975, 2015.

102. Houliez E., F. Lizon, S. Lefebvre, L.F. Artigas, F.G. Schmitt, Phytoplankton photosynthetic activity dynamics in a macrotidal ecosystem (the Straight of Dover, eastern English Channel): time scales of variability and environmental control, Journal of Marine Systems 147, 61-75, 2015.

101. Sabia L., M. Uttieri, F.G. Schmitt, G. Zagami, E. Zambianchi, S. Souissi, A new invasive copepod in Lake Faro (Sicily): observations on the swimming behaviour and the sex-dependent responses to the presence of food of the calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinus (Sato, 1913), Zoological Studies 53, 49, 2014.

100. Xing Q., Gao M., Gao X., Tosi L., Schmitt F.G., Zhang Y., Shi P., Wei J., Luo Y., Progressive eutrophication behind the world-largest super floating macroalgal blooms in the Yellow Sea, Biogesciences Discuss. 11, 7029-7054, 2014.

99. Huang Y., F. G Schmitt, Y. Gagne, Two-scale correlation and energy cascade in three-dimensional turbulent flows, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, Theory and Experiments P05002, 2014.

98. Calif, R. and F.G. Schmitt, Multiscaling and joint multiscaling description of the atmospheric wind speed and the aggregate output power from a wind farm, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 21, 379-392, 2014.

97. Schmitt, F.G: Continuous multifractal models with zero values : a continuous beta-multifractal model, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, Theory and Experiments P02008, 2014.

96. Renosh, P.R., Schmitt F.G., Loisel H., Sentchev A., Mériaux X., High frequency variability of particle size distribution and its dependency on turbulence over the sea bottom during re-suspension processes, Continental Shelf Research 77, 51-60, 2014.

95. Huang Y., F. G Schmitt, Lagrangian cascade in three-dimensional homogeneous and isotropic turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 741, R2, 2014.

94. Huang Y., F. G Schmitt, Application of an empirical mode decomposition based time dependent intrinsic correlation to marine data, Journal of Marine Systems 130, 90-100, 2014.

93. Calif, R. and F.G. Schmitt, Yongxiang Huang, Intermittency study of high frequency global solar radiation sequences under tropical climate, Solar Energy 98, 349-365, 2013.

92. Zongo, S.B., Koiumba Mabert B.D.C., Ndiaye A., Padzys G.S., Omouendze  Mouaragadja P., Lepengué N.A., Schmitt F.G., Variability of pH in the Ogooué and M’passa rivers (Gabon), Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 3(10), 70-80, 2013.

91. Houliez E., F. Lizon, L.F. Artigas, S. Lefebvre, F.G. Schmitt, Spatio-temporal variability of phytoplankton photosynthetic activity in a macrotidal ecosystem (the Straight of Dover, Eastern English Channel), Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 129, 37-48, 2013.

90. Calif, R., F.G. Schmitt, Y. Huang, Characterization of wind energy fluctuations using arbitrary-order Hilbert spectral analysis, Physica A, 392, 4106-4120, 2013.

89. Houliez E., F. Lizon, S. Lefebvre, L.F. Artigas, F.G. Schmitt, Short-term variability and control of phytoplankton photosynthetic activity in a macrotidal ecosystem (the Straight of Dover, eastern English Channel), Marine Biology, 160, 1661-1679, 2013.

88. Moison M., Schmitt F.G., Souissi S.: Differences between females and males in the feeding activity of Temora longicornisEcological Research 28, 459-467, 2013.

87. Korotenko, K., A. Sentchev, F.G. Schmitt, Nicolas Jouanneau, Variability of turbulent quantities in the tidal bottom boundary layer : case study in the Eastern English Channel, Continental Shelf Research 58, 21-31, 2013.

86. Korotenko, K., A. Sentchev, F.G. Schmitt, Effect of variable winds on current structure and Reynolds stresses in a tidal flow: analysis of experimental data in the eastern English Channel, Ocean Science 8, 10205-1040, 2012.

85. Moison M., Schmitt F.G., Souissi S.: Effect of temperature on Temora longicornis swimming behaviour: illustration of seasonal impact in a temperate ecosystem, Aquatic Biology 16, 149-162, 2012

84. Dur G., S. Souissi, F.G. Schmitt, S.-H. Cheng, J.-S. Hwang, Sex ratio and mating behaviour in the Calanoid Copepod Pseudodiaptomus annandaleiZoological Studies 51, 589-597, 2012.

83. Xing Q., Loisel H., Schmitt F.G., Dessailly D., Hao Y., Han Q., Shi P.: Fluctuations of satellite-derived chlorophyll concentrations and optical indices at the Southern Yellow Sea,  Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management, 15, 168-175, 2012.

82. Calif, R. and F.G. Schmitt, Modeling of atmospheric wind speed sequence using a lognormal continuous stochastic equation, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 109, 1-8, 2012.

81. Mahjoub Mohamed-Sofiane, R. Kumar, S. Souissi, F.G. Schmitt, J.S. Hwang: Turbulence effects on the feeding dynamics in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 416-417, 61-67, 2012.

80. Quiroz-Martinez, B., F.G. Schmitt, J.-C. Dauvin: Statistical analysis of polychaete population diversity: hyperbolic extremes and species dynamics, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 19, 45-52, 2012.

79. Houliez E., Lizon F., Thyssen M., Artigas L.F., Schmitt F.G.: Spectral fluorometric characterization of Haptophyte dynamics using the FluoroProbe: an application in the Eastern English Channel for monitoring Phaeocystis globosaJ. Plankton Res. 34, 136-151, 2012.

78. SchmittF. G., M. De Rosa, G. Durrieu, M. Sow, P. Ciret, D. Tran, J.-C. Massabuau: Statistical analysis of bivalve high frequency microclosing behavior: scaling properties and shot noise modeling, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 21, 3565-3576, 2011.

77. Huang Y.X., F.G. Schmitt, Y. Gagne, Z.M. Lu, Y. Liu: Application of arbitrary-order Hilbert spectral analysis to passive scalar turbulence, Journal of Physics: Conference series, 318, 042003, 2011.

76. Mompean G., X. Qiu, F.G. Schmitt, R. Thompson: Turbulence modelling based on non-Newtonian constitutive laws, Journal of Physics: Conference series, 318, 042030, 2011.

75. Perpete, N. and F.G. Schmitt: A discrete log-normal process to generate a sequential multifractal time series, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, Theory and Experiments, P12013, 2011.

74. Huang, Y., F.G. Schmitt, Zhou, X. Qiu, X.D. Shang, Z.M. Lu, Y.L. Liu: Scaling of maximum probability density functions of velocity and temperature increments in turbulent systems, Physics of Fluids 23, 125101, 2011.

73. Zongo, S. B, SchmittF. G: Scaling analysis of pH fluctuations in coastal waters of the English Channel, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 18, 829-839, 2011.

72. Quiroz-Martinez, B., F.G. Schmitt, J.-C. Dauvin, J.-M. Dewarumez, A. Fauveau, C. Garcia: Distrtibution patterns of annelid polychaetes species from the contiental shelf (0-200 m) in the North Sea, English Channel, Irish Sea and Outer Bristol Channel, Italian Journal of Zoology 78(S1), 324-332, 2011.

71. Huang, Y., F.G. Schmitt, J.-P. Hermand, Y. Gagne, Z. M. Lu, Y.L. Liu, Arbitrary order Hilbert spectral analysis for time series possessing scaling statistics: a comparison study with detrended fluctuation analysis and wavelet leaders, Physical Review E 84, 016208, 2011.

70. Schmitt, F. G., D. Devreker, G. Dur, S. Souissi: Direct evidence of tidally-oriented behaviour of the copepod Eurytemora affinis in the Seine estuary, Ecological Research 26, 773-780, 2011.

69. Mahjoub Mohamed-Sofiane, S. Souissi, Michalec, F.G., F.G. Schmitt, J.S. Hwang: Swimming kinematics of Eurytemora affinis (copepoda, Calanoida) reproductive stages and differential vulnerability to predation of larval Dicentrarchus labrax (Teleostei, Perciformes),  Journal of Plankton Research 33, 1095-1103, 2011.

68. Dur, G., S. Souissi, F.G. Schmitt, D. Beyrend-Dur, J.-S. Hwang: Mating and mate choice in Pseudodiaptomus annandalei(Copepoda: Calanoida), Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 402, 1-11, 2011.

67. Lee, C.H., H.U. Dahms, S.H. Cheng, S. Souissi, F.G. Schmitt, R. Kumar, J.S. Hwang, Mating behaviour of Pseudodiaptomus annandalei (Copepoda, Calanoida) at calm and hydrodynamically disturbed waters, Marine Biology158, 1085-1094, 2011.

66. Mahjoub Mohamed-Sofiane, S. Souissi, F.G. Schmitt, F.H. Nan, J.S. Hwang: Anisotropy and shift of search behavior in Malabar grouper (Epinephelus malabaricus) larvae in response to prey availability, Hydrobiologia 666, 215-222, 2011.

65. Dur, G., S. Souissi, F.G. Schmitt, F.-G. Michalec, S. M. Mahjoub, J.-S. Hwang: Effects of animal density, volume and the use of 2D/3D recording on behavioral studies of copepods,  Hydrobiologia 666, 197-214, 2011.

64. Schmitt, F.G., L. Ma, T. Angounou : The reform of the yuan and scaling properties of its exchange rate with dollar and euro, Quantitative Finance 11, 505-513, 2011.

63. Qiu, X., Mompean, G., Schmitt F.G., Thompson, R.L.: Modeling turbulent flow using viscoelastic viscometric functions,  Journal of Turbulence, 12, 1-18, 2011.

62. Cailleaud, K., F.G. Michalec, J. Forget-Leray, H. Budzinski, J.S. Hwang, F.G. Schmitt, S. Souissi, Changes in the swimming behavior of Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda, Calanoida) in response to a sub-lethal exposure to nonylphenols, Aquatic Toxicology 102, 228-231, 2011.

61. Lee, C.H., H.U. Dahms, S.H. Cheng, S. Souissi, F.G. Schmitt, R. Kumar, J.S. Hwang, Predation on Pseudodiaptomus annandalei (Copepoda : Calanoida) by grouper fish larvae Epinephelus coioides under different hydrodynamic conditions ?, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 393, 17-22, 2010.

60. Huang YX, Schmitt FG, Lu, ZM, Fougairolles, P., Gagne, Y., Liu YL: Second order structure functions in fully developed turbulence, Physical Review E 82, 026319, 2010.

59. Schmitt, F. G., I. Vinkovic, M. Buffat: Use of Lagrangian statistics for the analysis of the scale separation hypothesis in turbulent channel flow, Physics Letters A 374, 3319-3327, 2010.

58. Souissi, S.,Michalec, F.G., G. Dur, S. Mahjoub, F.G. Schmitt, J.S. Hwang: How does salinity influence the swimming speed of estuarine copepods ? Journal of Plankton Research 32, 1227-1229, 2010;

57. Michalec, F.G., S. Souissi, G. Dur, S. Mahjoub, F.G. Schmitt, J.S. Hwang, Differences in behavioral responses of Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda, Calanoida) reproductive stages to salinity variations, Journal of Plankton Research 32, 805-813, 2010.

56. Vandromme, P., F.G. Schmitt, S. Souissi, E.J. Buskey, J. R. Strickler, C.H. Wu and J.S. Hwang: Symbolic analysis of plankton swimming trajectories: case study of Strobilidium sp (Protista) Helical walking under various food conditions, Zoological studies 49, 289-303, 2010.

55. Dur, G., S. Souissi, F.G. Schmitt, S.H. Cheng, J.S. Hwang, How and Why the Three Adult States of Pseudodiaptomus annandalei (Copepoda, Calanoida) Swim Differently (Copepoda : Calanoida)., J. Plankton Res. 32, 423-440, 2010.

54. Huang Y.X., Schmitt FG, Lu, ZM, Liu YL, « Analysis of daily river flow fluctuations using empirical mode decomposition and arbitrary order Hilbert spectral analyis », Journal of Hydrology 373, 103-111, 2009.

53. Dur, G., S. Souissi, F.G. Schmitt, S.H. Cheng, J.S. Hwang, How and Why the Three Adult States of Pseudodiaptomus annandalei (Copepoda, Calanoida) Swim Differently (Copepoda : Calanoida)., J. Plankton Res. 32, 423-440, 2010.

52. Schmitt FG, Y Huang, Z. Lu, Y. Liu, N. Fernandez, Analysis of turbulent fluctuations and their intermittency properties in the surf zone using empirical mode decomposition, Journal of Marine Systems 77, 473-481, 2009.

51. Moison M., FG Schmitt, S Souissi, L Seuront, JS Hwang, Symbolic dynamics and entropies of copepod behaviour under non-turbulent and turbulent conditions, Journal of Marine Systems 77, 388-396, 2009.

50. Dur, G., S. Souissi, D. Devreker, V. Ginot, F.G. Schmitt and J.-S. Hwang: An individual based model to study the reproduction of egg bearing copepods: application to Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda Calanoida) from the Seine estuary, France, Ecological Modelling 220, 1073-1089, 2009.

49. Hwang JS, HU Dahms, S Souissi, LC Tseng, F. G. Schmitt, QC Chen, Ecological implications of rank-abundance allocations of planktonic copepod assemblages, Zoological Studies 48, 49-62, 2009. 

48. Huang, Y. X., Schmitt, F. G., Lu, Z. M., Liu, Y. L.: Analyse de l’invariance d’échelle de séries temporelles par la décomposition modale empirique et l’analyse spectrale de Hilbert Traitement du Signal 25, 481-492, 2008.

47. Huang Y., F. G. Schmitt, Z. Lu, Y. Liu, An amplitude-frequency study of turbulent scaling intermittency using Hilbert spectral analysis, EPL 84, 40010, 2008. [doi  10.1209/0295-5075/84/40010]

46. Ma L., F.G. Schmitt, Development and environmental conflicts in China, China Perspectives, 2, 94-102, 2008.

45. Schmitt FG, G. Dur, S. Souissi, S.B. Zongo, Statistical properties of turbidity, oxygen and pH fluctuations in the Seine river estuary (France), Physica A, 387, 6613-6623, 2008.

44. Schmitt, F. G., L. Seuront: Intermittent turbulence and copepod dynamics: increase of contact rates through preferential concentration, J. Marine Sys., 70, 263-272, 2008.

43. Schmitt, FG., J. C. Molinero, S. Zongo Brizard, Nonlinear dynamics and intermittency in a long term copepod time series, Comm. Nonlin. Sc. Num. Sim. 13, 407-415, 2008.

42. Schmitt, F. G.: About Boussinesq’s turbulent viscosity hypothesis: historical remarks and a direct evaluation of its validity,  C. R. Mécanique, 335, 617-627, 2007. [doi 10.1016/j.crme.2007.08.004]

41. Schmitt, F. G., P. Chainais: On causal equations for log-stable multiplicative cascades, Eur. Phys. J. B. 58, 149-158, 2007.

40. Dur, G., F. G. Schmitt, S. Souissi: Analysis of high frequency temperature time series in the Seine estuary from the Marel autonomous monitoring buoy, Hydrobiologia, 588, 59-68, 2007.

39. Schmitt, FG.: Direct test of a nonlinear constitutive equation for simple turbulent shear flows using DNS data, Comm. Nonlin. Sc. Num. Sim. 12, 1251-1264, 2007.

38. Luo, J., T. Ushijima, O. Kitoh, Z. Lu, Y. Liu, F. G. Schmitt. Eulerian and Lagrangian structure function’s scaling exponents in turbulent channel flow, Z. naturforsch. 61a, 624-628, 2006.

37. Hwang, J.-S., S. Souissi, L.-C. Tseng, L. Seuront, F. G. Schmitt, L.-S. Fang, S.-H. Peng, C.-H. Wu, S.-H. Hsiao, W.-H. Twan, T. Wei, R. Kumar, T.-S. Fang, Q. Chen, C. K. Wong: A long-term study of the influence of the northeast and southwest monsoons on the copepod assemblages in the boundary coastal waters between the East China Sea and the Taiwan Strait, J. Plankton Res., 28, 943-958, 2006.

36. Schmitt, FG.: Linking Eulerian and Lagrangian structure functions’ scaling exponents in turbulence, Physica A, 368, 377-386, 2006. [doi 10.1016/J .physa.2005.12.028]

35. Schmitt, F. G., L. Seuront, J.-S. Hwang, S. Souissi, L. C. Tseng, Scaling of swimming sequences in copepod behaviour: data analysis and simulation, Physica A, 364, 287-296, 2006.

34. Schmitt, FG.: Relating Lagrangian passive scalar scaling exponents to Eulerian scaling exponents in turbulence, European Physical Journal B, 48, 129-137, 2005.

33Schmitt, F. G.: Explicit predictability and dispersion scaling exponents in fully developed turbulence, Physics Letters  A  342, 448-458, 2005.

32Seuront, L. and F. G. Schmitt: Multiscaling statistical procedures for the exploration of biophysical couplings in intermittent turbulence; Part II. Application, Deep Sea Research II 52, 1325-1343, 2005.

31. Seuront, L. and F. G. Schmitt: Multiscaling statistical procedures for the exploration of biophysical couplings in intermittent turbulence; Part I. Theory, Deep Sea Research II 52, 1308-1324, 2005.

30. Souissi, S., L. Seuront, F. G. Schmitt, V. Ginot : Describing space-time patterns in aquatic ecology using IBMs and scaling and multiscaling approaches, Nonlinear Analysis : Real World Applications 6, 705-730, 2005.

29. Seuront, L., Jiang-Shiou Hwang, Li-Chun Tseng, François G. Schmitt, Sami Souissi, Chong-Kim Wong : Individual variability in the swimming behavior of the sub-tropical copepod Oncaea venusta (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida), Marine Ecology Progress Series (MEPS) 283, 199-217, 2004.

28. Seuront, L., F. G. Schmitt, M. Brewer, R. Strickler, S. Souissi : From random walk to multifractal random walk in zooplankton swimming behavior, Zoological Studies 43, 498-510, 2004.

27. Seuront, L. et F. G. Schmitt : Eulerian and Lagrangian properties of biophysical intermittency in the ocean, Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L03306, 2004. [doi 10.1029/2003GL018185]

26. Schmitt, F., B. Merci, E. Dick, C. Hirsch : Direct investigation of the K-transport equation for a complex turbulent flow, Journal of Turbulence, 4, 021, 2003.

25. Schmitt, F.: A causal multifractal stochastic equation and its statistical properties. European Physical Journal B, 34, 85-98, 2003. [doi 10.1140/epjb/e2003-00199-x]

24. Schmitt, F. and C. Nicolis: Scaling of return times for a high resolution rainfall time series, Fractals, 10, 3, 285-290, 2002.

23. Schmitt, F. G. and  L. Seuront: Multifractal random walk in copepod behaviour. Physica A, 301, 1-4, 375-396, 2001. [doi 10.1016/S0378-4371(01)00429-0]

22. Schmitt, F. and D. Marsan: Stochastic equations for continuous multiplicative cascades in turbulence. European Physical Journal B, 20, 3-6, 2001. [doi 10.1007/BF01313905]

21. Schmitt, F., B. K. Hazarika, and Ch. Hirsch: LDV measurements of the flow field in the nozzle region of a confined annular burner. Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Fluid Engineering, 123, 2, 228-236, 2001.

20. Seuront, L., Schmitt, F., and Y. Lagadeuc: Turbulence intermittency, small-scale phytoplankton patchiness and encounter rates in plankton : where do we go from here ?.  Deep Sea Research I, 48, 1199-1215, 2001.

19. Schmitt F. and Ch. Hirsch: Experimental study of the constitutive equation for an axisymmetric complex turbulent flow, Z. angew. Math. Mech., 80, 11/12, 815-825, 2000.

18. Schmitt F., D. Schertzer, and S. Lovejoy: Multifractal fluctuations in finance, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 3, 3, 361-364, 2000.

17. Seuront L., F. Schmitt, Y. Lagadeuc, D. Schertzer, and S. Lovejoy: Universal multifractal analysis as a tool to characterise multiscale intermittent patterns; example of phytoplankton distribution in turbulent coastal waters, Journal of Plankton Research, 21, 877-922, 1999.

16. Schmitt, F., D. Schertzer, and S. Lovejoy: Multifractal analysis of foreign exchange data, Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, 15, 29-53, 1999.

15. Schmitt, F., S. Vannitsem, and A. Barbosa: Modeling of rainfall time series using two-state renewal processes and multifractals, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, vol. D18, 23181-23193, 1998. [doi 10.1029/98JD02071]

14. Marguerit, C., D. Schertzer, F. Schmitt, and S. Lovejoy: Copepod diffusion within multifractal phytoplankton fields, Journal of Marine Systems, 16, 1-2, 69-83, 1998. [doi 10.1016/S0924-7963(97)00100-0]

13. Schertzer, D., S. Lovejoy, F. Schmitt, Y. Chigirinskaya, and D. Marsan: Multifractal cascade dynamics and turbulent intermittency, Fractals, 5, 427-471, 1997. [doi 10.1142/S0218348X97000371]

12. Seuront, L., F. Schmitt, D. Schertzer, Y. Lagadeuc, and S. Lovejoy: Multifractal analysis of eulerian and lagrangian variability of oceanic turbulent temperature and plankton fields, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 3, 236-246, 1996.

11. Seuront, L., F. Schmitt, Y. Lagadeuc, D. Schertzer, S. Lovejoy, and S. Frontier: Multifractal analysis of phytoplankton biomass and temperature variability in the ocean, Geophysical Research Letters, 23, 3591-3594, 1996. [doi 10.1029/96GL03473]

10. Schmitt, F., Schertzer, D., Lovejoy, S., and Y. Brunet: Multifractal Temperature and Flux of Temperature Variance in Fully Developed Turbulence, Europhysics Letters, 34 (3), 195-200, 1996.

9. Schmitt, F., S. Lovejoy, and D. Schertzer: Multifractal analysis of the Greenland ice-core Project climate data, Geophysical Research Letters, 22, 1689-1692, 1995. [doi 10.1029/95GL01522]

8. Schmittbuhl, J., F. Schmitt, and C. Scholz: Scaling invariance of crack surfaces, Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, B4, 5953-5973, 1995. [doi 10.1029/94JB02885]

7. Schmitt, F., D. Schertzer, S. Lovejoy, and Y. Brunet: Empirical study of multifractal phase transitions in  atmospheric turbulence, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 1, 2/3, 95-104, 1994.

6. Hooge, C., S. Lovejoy, D. Schertzer, S. Pecknold, F. Schmitt, and J.-F. Malouin: Multifractal phase transitions: the origin of self-organized criticality in earthquakes, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 1, 2/3, 191-197, 1994.

5. Schmitt, F., D. Schertzer, S. Lovejoy, and Y. Brunet: Estimation of universal multifractal indices for atmospheric turbulent velocity fields, Fractals, 1, 3, 569-575, 1993. [doi 10.1142/S0218348X93000599]

4. Ladoy, Ph., F. Schmitt, D. Schertzer, and S. Lovejoy: Variabilité temporelle multifractale des observations pluviométriques à Nîmes, Compte Rendus de l’académie des Sciences, Paris, 317, série II, 775-781, 1993.

3. Hubert, P., Y. Tessier, S. Lovejoy, D. Schertzer, F. Schmitt, P. Ladoy, J-P. Carbonnel, S. Violette, and I. Desurosne: Multifractals and extreme rainfall events Geophysical Research Letters, 20, 10, 931-934, 1993. [doi 10.1029/93GL01245]

2. Schmitt, F., D. Lavallée, S. Lovejoy, D. Schertzer, and C. Hooge: Estimations directes des indices de multifractals universels dans le champ de vent et de température. Compte Rendus de l’académie des SciencesParis, 314, série II, 749-754, 1992.

1. Schmitt, F., D. Lavallée, D. Schertzer, and S. Lovejoy: Empirical determination of universal multifractal exponents in turbulent velocity fields. Physical Review Letters, 68, 305-308, 1992. [doi 10.1103/PhysRevLett.68.305]