Conference organization

Organisation of workshops: 

Organisation of summer schools: 

  • « International summer school on turbulence, plankton, and marine snow » (co-organizer); ERCOFTAC summer school, Barcelona, September 2008.
  • « Active transport in the ocean : turbulence, chemistry and biology » (organisateur, avec E. Calzavarini et S. Berti); école d’été  internationale du CNRS, 2-6 juillet 2018, à Wimereux.

Organisation of sessions in large conferences:

  • EGS general assembly:  Session « Scaling, Multifractals and Nonlinearity in Oceans and Atmosphere », at the General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society (EGS) from 1995 to 2000.
  • AOGS general assembly:  Session IWG 08, Interdisciplinary Working Groups «Scaling and stochastic processes, nonlinear variability in the ocean and atmosphere», Asia Oceania Geosciences Society AOGS 9th annual meeting, Singapore, 13-17 August 2012.
  • ECSA conference:  Special session 12 « Long-term monitoring to record change in coastal and transitional waters : what to learn from existing monitoring and data analysis » , ECSA 55 Unbounded boundaries and shifting baselines, estuaries and coastal seas in a rapidly changing world, London, UK, 6-9 September 2015.
  • AGU general assembly: sessions in the NG (nonlinear geophysics) division from 2011 to 2015.
  • EGU general assembly: sessions in NP (nonlinear geosciences) division since 2007.